The Julia programming language has a very minimalistic grammar, avoiding many keywords or syntax elements that are common in other languages such as braces and semicolons. For example, here is a small piece of Julia code:

function hello(x)
  if x

At a glance, Julia code looks similar to Python. The most notable differences are that that Julia requires end after each block of code and does not have colons after the function header or if-statement condition. Although properly indented code will look very similar to Python code, the Julia parser does not care about indentation.

Semicolons and braces are used in many programming languages to resolve otherwise ambiguous syntax. For example, if semicolons are optional after statements, an expression like x = f(a) + 1 could be parsed as either one statement x = (f(a) + 1) or two statements x = f; (a) + 1. To make expressions like these unambiguous, the Julia language is whitespace-sensitive and has some disambiguation rules that depend on the whitespace. For example, a function call cannot have whitespace between the function name and the parameter list.

I recently attempted to write an LR(1) grammar for the Julia language, to see if it would be possible. It turned out to not be possible due to the whitespace sensitivity in Julia. Here is a small essential subset of my Julia grammar which is unambiguous and context-free but not LR(1):

program = es
es = e | es w e
e  = n | n w EQ e
n = ID

The es production represents an expression list, which is separated by whitespace(s). An expression e can either be a name n or an assignment n w EQ e. There can be whitespace w preceding the assignment operator EQ. There can also be whitespace after EQ but I omit it here for simplicity’s sake. This grammar is not LR(1) because when the parser encounters an ID token with a WHITESPACE token in the lookahead it can either reduce the ID to an expression or shift it to build an assignment later. Since an LR(1) parser must decide which action to take based only on the WHITESPACE in the lookahead, it cannot unambiguously choose the correct action as always choosing to shift or reduce will make some Julia expressions parse incorrectly.

The LR(1) ambiguities in Julia prevent the use of an LR(1) or LALR(1) parser generator. However, I have used a GLR parser generator with my Julia grammar and this seems to work so far. Unfortunately it is very hard to know if the grammar is ambiguous when using GLR, you pretty much just have to parse a bunch of programs and test for multiple valid parse trees. I have successively refined my grammar after finding such ambiguities to arrive at a grammar that appears unambiguous with my current test set. Another way of determining if the grammar is unambiguous is to carefully look at all the LR(1) conflicts in the grammar and convincing yourself that they will be resolved by a GLR parse. This seems infeasible for my grammar as there are currently 51 shift/reduce conflicts and 34 reduce/reduce conflicts.