The Julia language is in general very well-designed. However, no programming language is perfect and there are some rough edges or unexpected behaviors even in Julia.

In this post I document some of the interesting, quirky, or unexpected behaviors I have noticed in Julia. Some of these are well-known and others are obscure. I will occasionally update this post as I find more interesting things to mention.

String Concatenation

Probably the most common Julia oddity is that + does not concatenate strings as is common in many other languages that have a string concatenation operator.

In Julia the standard string concatenation operator is *. The Julia developers are aware that this is an unintuitive choice so they even note this and explain their reasoning in the Julia documentation. Essentially the argument for not using + like most other programming languages is that + in mathematics usually denotes a commutative operation but string concatenation does not commute.

There are more than one way to concatenate a string, however. One can also use the standard string() function like so: string("a", "b", "c").

If you still want to use + to concatenate strings you can overload the + operator:

+(s1::AbstractString, ss::AbstractString...) = string(s1, ss...)
"much" + " better"

Default Arguments

Julia allows an argument to have a default value, but the type of the default value is not statically checked. Therefore it is possible to declare a default argument value that does not match the type of the argument, for example:

foo(::Int = "3.1415") = println("foo(::Int)")

Here, the call to foo() results in the default argument expression "3.1415" being evaluated and passed to foo(::Int) but that does not work as the expression does not match the argument type. Instead, we get the error MethodError: no method matching foo(::String).

Even more confusingly, if we add another function with the same name that accepts a String argument then that other function is called instead of our original function.

foo(::String)         = println("foo(::String)")
foo(::Int = "3.1415") = println("foo(::Int)")


This code outputs:


This has been a known problem in Julia for a while.

Where-clause Parsing

If you are familiar with polymorphic functions in Julia, you might expect the following functions to be equivalent:

f(x::T)::Int64 where T = 1

function f(x::T)::Int64 where T
  return 1

The first version of f() is written in assignment form, which is usually equivalent to the longer non-assignment form function-declaration style. In this case however, the Julia compiler gives the following error for the assignment form:

julia> f(x::T)::Int64 where T = 1
ERROR: UndefVarError: T not defined

The problem here is that the function is parsed as if it was written f(x::T)::(Int where T) = 1 and therefore T is not actually part of the function’s where-clause. This is a known issue in the Julia parser with no clear solution.

Negative Bit Shifts

The << and >> operators are sometimes misunderstood. I think the original intention of these operators in C was just to shift the bits around in integer numbers, but the behavior is not fully specified for all possible combinations of signed/unsigned operands (so-called undefined behavior).

Without going into great detail it can be noted that the right-hand operand is usually not allowed to be negative. For example modern C compilers warn against negative shifts and Python disallows it completely. However, Julia does allow negative right-hand operands. An expression X << -10 is equivalent to X >> 10 and Y >> -4 is equivalent to Y << 4 in Julia. This seems pretty logical to me and it is a nice little consistency fix when using the << or >> operators to multiply or divide by powers of two.

UnitRange Normalization

The first time I typed 10:1 in the Julia REPL I was surprised at the output:

julia> 10:1

The 10:1 syntax creates a UnitRange object and in the constructor it will normalize the range so that an empty range has stop - start + 1 == 0. This leads to the above range being constructed with stop == 9 instead of 1. This makes sense but it was also a little bit confusing when I first noticed this behaviour and didn’t understand why it was happening.

Relative Module Paths

An import/using statement can use a relative module path which normally would look like using ..Thing. However, this is also perfectly fine:

using .................Base.Base.Base.Base

The Julia documentation states:

A relative module qualifier starts with a period (.), which corresponds to the current module, and each successive . leads to the parent of the current module.

A relative module path does not go past the topmost module, so additional periods are just ignored. Additionally, the name Base inside the Base module refers to itself so the Base.Base.Base.Base part is equivalent to just Base.

Here is another strange example that works in Julia 1.9.2:

import ...Main....Main...